Re: Definition of faith?

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Posted by Jason on January 06, 1997 at 20:47:42:

In Reply to: Re: Definition of faith? posted by Lynn on January 06, 1997 at 00:46:26:

: : I've been having an involved discussion on a BBS about the concept of faith. In all of the dictionaries that I've ever read it basically says that faith is the unquestioning belief in something, usually a religion. The problem is that many on this BBS say that it isn't unquestioned. What do any of you think faith is if not unquestioned belief?

: I think you're probably right that religious people, once they have aquired faith, are probably unwaivering in their belief in God, although I think there are many who continue to question the interpretation of scripture.
: I have always been a person that questions everything. The answer I found was Jesus. Now that I trust Him, I find that he gives me an answer for every life situation. If only I had the wisdom to listen everytime.
: I hope I'm not offending anyone by speaking plainly about my beliefs, but since I am representing the Christian point of view, I figure I might as well.

Don't worry, you're certainly not offending me. In my opinion, if a person
became offended at someone else just because (s)he shared his/her metaphysical
beliefs, I would see it as a sign of intellectual insecurity.

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